Recommended Books and Courses

About Books and Courses

This is a collection of books and courses I can recommend personally. They are great for every data engineering learner.

I either have used or own these books during my professional work.

I also looked into every online course personally.

If you want to buy a book or course and support my work, please use one of my links below. They are all affiliate marketing links that help me fund this passion.

Of course all this comes at no additional expense to you, but it helps me a lot.

  • Checkout the Shop of LongDataDevLog
  • Don’t just get a book and expect to learn everything
  • Course certificates alone help you nothing
  • Have a purpose in mind, like a small project
  • Great for use at work


[Slide] Data Engineering 101 - Learning Material

This material is the PDF file which has 230 slides for explaining to you how to become a better data engineer, with every mandatory of engineering and fundamental knowledge of data concepts.

[Ebook] Online Data Engineering Design Pattern by Simon

[Book] Data Engineering Handbook - Hidden Sections

  • Available Soon

[Book] Design Solid Foundations for Data Engineering - Full 10 Topics

  • Available Soon

[Document] 3 ETL Design - Problem Solving for Data Engineering Interviews

  • Free Documentation 18 PDF pages
  • Docs version with un-watermark + Drawio Design attached, check out here
  • Assessments include:
    • Submission – A: Data Ingestion Application
    • Submission – B: Monitoring Pipeline
    • Submission - C: Design data platform for streaming and batching

[Book] Fundamentals of Data Engineering by Joe Reis, Matt Housley

  • Data Engineering Defined: involves planning and building data systems, make sure good data on good pipeline
  • Data Engineering Lifecycle: generation, ingestion, transformation, storage, and governance. As well as security, data management, DataOps, data architecture, orchestration, and software engineering.
  • Designing Good Data Architecture: well-designed data architecture ensures efficient data processing and retrieval.

[Book] The Data Warehouse Toolkit by Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross

  • Essential resource for anyone involved in data warehousing and business intelligence.
  • Best practices for big data analytics.
  • A comprehensive review of extract, transformation, and load (ETL) systems and design considerations.
  • Techniques for handling slowly changing dimensions.
  • Create, Use, Maintain Dimension tale structure design.
  • Enhanced star schema dimensional modeling patterns.

[Book] Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann

  • The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems.
  • A comprehensive guide that helps you navigate the diverse landscape of technologies for processing and storing data.
  • Explores the principles and practicalities of data systems, comparing various tools and approaches to help you decide what’s best for your application.

[Book] The Design Of Everyday Things by Don Norman

  • Good design hinges on two critical characteristics: discoverability and understanding.
  • Basic Principles of design for everythings and focusing on Human Center.
  • Discover the application to UX design will help reframe the mindset of data insight and actionable from data viz.

[Book] Atomic Habits by James Clear

Check out the link

[Book] Build a Second Brain

[Book] loi song toi gian cua nguoi Nhat (Vietnamese)

Check out the link

Online Courses and Roadmap

[Bootcamp] Free Data Engineering Camping

Constraints for training: Data Engineering Camping

DeepLearning.AI Data Engineering Profressional Certificate

Learn the principles of effective data engineering. Build your skills as a data engineer, drive organizational goals by ingesting, transforming, storing, and serving data to data stakeholders, and grow your career in a high-demand field.


[Blog] Data Developer Course

In maintained

Checkout the Blog here

[Document] Roadmap to become a better Data Engineer (FREE)

Download FREE Roadmap to become a better Data Engineer and Analytics Engineer here: Get it Free Now

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